Friday, December 30, 2005

Having kittens

It's been a long, long time since I lived with any animals (apart from a few flat mates during my student days who could probably fit under that description.)

And the last one (animal, not housemate) I "owned" - in as much as any human can own an animal - was a dog, back in 1981 or so. I have never owned a cat.

So I did a lot of soul-searching before deciding on getting a pet while living in London. I did think about it a few years ago but in the back of my mind was the plan to go back to Oz "in a year or two" and get one then.

Though that's still the plan - the "year or two" now being "in a few years" - I figured why wait... and wait .... and wait .....

Besides which, my partner was really keen to have some intelligent conversations for a change.

So, meet our two little Battersea Dogs Home girls - Gizmo and Pippa.

1 comment:

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

Aaaw what cute little kitties :>)

Just flew by from Brit blogs